Native vegetation in the Wildcat
Creek watershed is an upland, mixed hardwood
forest in varied stages of succession. Approximately
80% of the land, especially flat uplands, has been
converted in agricultural fields; the remaining
land is mostly forest.
Silver maple, sycamore, cottonwood, redbud, willow,
green and white ash, red oak, American elm and tulip
poplar are the most prevalent bottomland forest
species. Oaks, beeches, maples, walnuts and white
dogwoods are found on the upper ridges of the valley.
The understory is comprised of wild raspberry,
bladdernut, mulberry and various other species.
Bluebells, dutchman's breeches, hepatica, bloodroot,
trillium, spring beauty and violets are examples
of wildflowers found on the bands of the creek.