Howard County
Nature Study Area
Location: The Howard County Nature Study
Area is located on the north side of E 50 S, at the southwest
corner of Eastern High School in Greentown. Creek access
is downstream (north) of the 50 S bridge on the right
(northeast) bank.
Parking: There is no apparent designated
parking at the access site itself. There is a gravel drive
for one to drive a vehicle down next to the river for
easy loading/unloading, and it may be possible to park
in this area (though that is unknown). It may be best
to drop off boats at the access site and then park in
the large high school parking lot.
Path to River: This is a decent access
point. You can drive your vehicle down right next to the
river, which leaves a short and easy 20 foot carry down
a moderate grass & sand slope to the water.
River Access: There is room to load/unload
about 4 boats at a time. There is plenty of room to linger
while dealing with boats or shuttling the vehicles.
This access point also has a covered picnic table.

river access |

path to the river |

drive to river |
